Selamat Datang Di Blogger Kami RKM CWS Gedung Kenanga

Kami sangat senang dengan kunjungan anda ke blog kami. Semoga Blog kami ini dapat memberkati saudara dan doa kami selalu menyertai saudara. Tuhan Memberkati

We are very pleased with your visit to our blog. Hopefully this blog can bless you and our prayers are always with you. God Bless

Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Kutipan-kutipan yang memberkati

"Scholars who study the laws of the service are considered by Scripture as if the Beit Hamikdash (Temple) was built in their days" (Talmud).
We may think we know what is right, but LORD is the judge of our motives (Proverbs 16:2, CEV Australian edition)
"Leaders who do not act dialogically, but insist on imposing their
decisions, do not organize the people--they manipulate them. They do not
liberate, nor are they liberated: they oppress." ( Paulo Freire)
"If the structure does not permit dialogue the structure must be
changed" ( Paulo Freire)
Bila hatimu kandas, tetaplah berdiri tegak di atas batu karang, karena setiap kali jatuh selalu ada yang siap menopang tubuhmu dan menuntunmu untuk kembali berlayar ke samudera luas membentang, Dia lah Tuhan Allahmu (Facebook)
"Membaca, berpikir, mencintai, berdoa - hal-hal inilah yang membuat orang berbahagia." (John Ruskin)
Agama tanpa ilmu adalah Naif dan Ilmu tanpa Agama adalah Takabur. (Albert Einstein)

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